Professional piano tuning and repairs
in Nottingham
Expert piano tuning and repairs

For expert piano tuning and repairs in and around Nottingham, get in touch with Ron Spence C.G.L.I. We have more than 35 years of experience in this field and keep our standards high.
We do the following piano repairs and tuning

- Piano tuning
- Piano repairsĀ
- Pitch raising
- Regular servicing
- Both domestic and commercial pianos serviced
- Piano valuations
Distinction at college

For expert piano tuning and repairs in and around Nottingham, get in touch with Ron Spence C.G.L.I. We have more than 35 years of experience in this field and keep our standards high.
Recommended by customers

We have met and exceeded customer expectations over the last 35 years that we have been in this field. Ron Spence C.G.L.I. serves the Nottingham area.
Entrust your piano to a reputed piano repairs company in Nottingham. Call now:
0115 960 2427